Waymart Lodge #542 Event Pictures

Pictures 2



Flag flown at the Capitol in Harrisburg, then at the Grand Lodge in Philadelphia and now at Waymart Lodge #542 

Stan Raising the Flag

Stan Raising the Flag at Waymart Lodge #542

Stan recieving flag from Ed Staback

Stan and State Rep. Ed Staback with Stan receiving the flag flown over the Harrisburg Capital building.

Our Lodge flag flying at Grand Lodge

This same flag was then flown over the Grand Lodge in Philadelphia, before returning to Waymart Lodge.

February 8th 2009 Harley Raffle drawing at Waymart Fire Company

Click on Picture to enlarge 

      Raffle Tickets            Harley                                                    Check Presentation
                                                                                                      to Fire Company

Officer Pictures
2009 Officers          John doing his first degree