Rainbow for Girls

 Aurora Assembly # 189 Was Constituted on August 8th 2010 at the Robert D. Wilson Elementary School in Waymart.

Rainbow Girls are ages 11 to 20 They  meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month  at 7:00 pm at the Waymart Lodge 136 South Street in Waymart PA 18472.

On the First Thursday of each month  Pledge Girls 8 years to 10 years old meet at 7:00 Pm to 8:00 pm at the Waymart Lodge 136 South Street in Waymart PA 18472.

For more information about Rainbow or Pledge Girls please contact tech08@socantel.net
all girls are welcome.


Feel free to copy the pictures below, click on picture to enlarge.

rainbowRainbow CircleCrossRainbowRainbowRainbow girlsRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbowRainbow


Aurora Assembly # 189 Thanks Photographer  John Bozette for the wonderful pictures.


Waymart has started Rainbow for Girls, for more information contact tech08@socantel.net

The members of the Waymart Aurora Assembly # 189 would like to thank everyone in the community that came out and supported our first fund raiser.
The Pasta dinner was a great success.


Our last meeting the girls all decided on a name for our Rainbow Assembly .
We are now Aurora Assembly # 189 Waymart, PA.  Named after or sometimes called the
northern and southern (polar) lights .




For more information about Rainbow of Pennsylvania  click here

Pennsylvania Rainbow for Girls
