Chicken Barbecue
Sunday, Feburary 16th 2020
Dinners $10.00
Halves - $6.00
Walk-ins Welcome
Pick up at Waymart
10:30 to 2 PM
Pre-orders call Bill Vargas 570-604-1815
By Febuary, 10th 2020
Sponsored by Masonic Hall Assn.
The Winter Chicken Barbecue is a lot of fun for the members, Just think of starting a fire at 4:00 am when it's 20 or 30 degrees below 0. Then the fire is so high the pit roof starts to catch on fire, but, no problem we have water spray tanks filled that were in a nice warm house overnight. Only one problem they freeze up in 5 minutes out side, but we always manage to control the fire with no harm done.
Everyone loves to have Barbecue Chicken in January from us, because they don't want to start there own grills when it's so cold out. And we make the best Chicken in our area.
For information on how to order click on the link above.
I have provided some pictures of the grill below..
Starting the fire 4:00 am. Temp -30 Degrees. Click on the pictures to enlarge.
Now there Cookin