Waymart Lodge # 542
Click on the Lodge picture for Home Page to Waymart
take notice
Click here for Trestle board February 2025
December 2024 Pig Raffle Winners
January comes to close and February is closing in fast, we all know what means.
Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it. As Masons we need to not only
think about spending too much on flowers or chocolates for our spouses.
also, the spouses of our deceased members who may be alone.
if you know anyone in that situation please reach out. And wish them a Happy
Valentine’s Day.
On January 20th the raffle committee met and discussed what our major fundraiser will be. We went over all the prizes, cost, etc. Although there are a couple of items we need to sort out. I plan on going into February’s meeting with list of prizes and the members will be voting on it. I know this will be a huge accomplishment in our lodge. Since we haven’t done a big raffle like this one since 2019.
January 28th at 7:00 PM, our monthly School of Instruction will be at Honesdale Lodge #218. Members at 7:00 PM and Masters and Wardens meeting will be held at 7:30 PM. Our participation has been low the past couple years at these meetings. So please Brethren if you’re available that night, it would be great to see some new faces and maybe we can take home the traveling gavel. Where it belongs in Waymart.
James Armstrong, WM
Being neither a Christian nor a Jew, a Muslim nor a Hindu, being
a Democrat nor a Republican.
Being black, white, Hispanic, Asian, nor Indian.
Being rich nor poor, has anything to do with me amongst my brethren
behind this door. Only my trust
in God, the faith in my brothers, and the charity given to mankind because
of my actions matter in this place.
Dates to Remember
District Members @ 7:00 PM
School of Instruction @ 7:30 PM
Dates to
Jan. 28th
School of Instruction – Honesdale Lodge #218.
Members at 7:00 PM – School at 7:30 PM
and Wardens @ 7:30 PM
are hereby requested to attend the December Quarterly Communication of the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania to be held at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at
the Masonic Temple located at 1 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA
Message From The Secretary
the event of sickness or a tragic loss please contact me immediately so the
Lodge may offer
you any assistance necessary.
Steven R.
Arch Secretary
Message from the Hall Association
Jan. 23 - Honesdale Feb. 27 - Salem March, 26 - Kingsbury Apr. 23 - Waymart May, 28 - Milford Aug.27 - Waymart Sept.24 - Carbondale Oct. 22 - Salem Nov. 26 - Honesdale
Kingsbury 466 - March 13 Waymart 542 - April 2 Milford 344 - April 17 Honesdale 218 - May 2 Salem 330 - May 13 Carbondale 249 - June 7
Local news
Brethren, Take Notice!!!
Click here for November 2023 Gun Raffle Winners
Message from the Lodge Association
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Membership Status Report, 2022
Active Members 151
Members Deceased 2
Members Withdrew 0
Members Suspended 0
Petitions Pending Action 0
Total Petitions for 2024 0
Total Membership 149
Aurora Assembly # 189 Rainbow for Girls, for more
information contact tech08@socantel.net
Next Rainbow meeting will be at the Waymart Lodge.
Waymart Rainbow
assembly #189 meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM
at the Lodge Hall. All girls between the age of 11 and 21 are welcome to
attend. Any Questions call Joe Johannes at 470-3103