Waymart Lodge # 542

Click on the Lodge picture for Home Page to Waymart Lodge

Brethren take notice
14th Masonic District Family Outing

2024 District Picnic

Click here for  Trestle board June 2024

Ladies of PA District 14

 Veteran's Service Dog Program



Welcome to summer brothers, let’s hope the days are warm, the evenings are cool, and it only rains at night. That doesn’t sound unreasonable to me.

This month we will be giving a Third Degree to our new Brother.  If everyone that is available comes out to watch and welcome, it would really go a long way toward showing our candidate we are a supporting group.

Speaking of being a supporting group and forgive me for having to get a little serious, our lodge has sadly become a little stale.  At most meetings it is the same base group of men coming out, most of them past masters.  We are getting close to crisis mode for officers coming in and going through the chairs.

 I/we are asking, nay pleading, please, we need some good men to come in and step up, become more active.  We need good men to come in and work toward leadership positions, work toward bringing in new members, be active and supportive of the Fraternity.  This Lodge belongs to all of us, we all need to put in some level of effort.

 If that effort cannot be to work toward going through the chairs, then can each member that is physically able please take some raffle tickets to sell so our fundraisers can be profitable, and we can be philanthropic as well as keep the lights on.

 We will be doing two (2) fundraisers this year, the present Gun Raffle, and a Pig Raffle in the fall.  If anyone would like to get some tickets to buy or to sell, just reach out to any of us, and we will get them to you.

Thank you for at least considering these requests, and as we go dark for July and August, I wish you all a great summer!

 Chris Hall

Worshipful  Master




 PS: Our incoming Senior Deacon, Charlie Knapp, will not be able to take his seat for a few months while he recovers from surgery.  We wish him speedy recovery.  If any brother wants to volunteer to fill his seat in the meantime, that would be swell!  Let us know.


Being neither a Christian nor a Jew, a Muslim nor a Hindu, being  a Democrat nor a Republican.  Being black, white, Hispanic, Asian, nor Indian.  Being rich nor poor, has anything to do with me amongst my brethren behind this door.  Only my trust in God, the faith in my brothers, and the charity given to mankind because of my actions matter in this place.


Important Dates to Remember          
 District Members @ 7:00 PM
School of Instruction @ 7:30 PM


June 3rd – Rehearsal for Stated Meeting –7:30 PM

June 4th – Dinner Before Stated 6:30 PM     

June 4th - Stated Meeting – 7:30 PM

June 5th Official Visit to Carbondale Lodge #249

June 10th – Rehearsal for Extra Meeting – 7:30 PM

June 11th – Extra Meeting – 7:30 PM

Aug. 27th - School of Instruction – Waymart #542

        Members at 7:00 PM – School at 7:30 PM



Message From The Secretary                                               


 In the event of sickness or a tragic loss please contact me immediately so the Lodge may offer  you any assistance necessary.


Steven R. Arch




Message from the Hall Association



District 14 School of Instruction 2024

Jan. 23 - Honesdale
Feb. 27 - Salem
March, 26 - Kingsbury
Apr. 23 - Waymart
May, 28 - Milford
Aug.27 - Waymart
Sept.24 - Carbondale
Oct. 22 - Salem
Nov. 26 - Honesdale

DDGM Don Roa Official Visitation dates for 2024

Kingsbury  466 - March 13
Waymart 542 - April 2
Milford 344 - April 17
Honesdale 218 - May 2
Salem 330 - May 13
Carbondale 249 - June 7


Local news

                  Brethren, Take Notice!!!

  Click here for November  2023 Gun  Raffle Winners

Message from the Lodge Association


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Membership Status Report, 2022


Active Members                                                      151

Members Deceased                                                2

Members Withdrew                                                    0

Members Suspended                                                0

Petitions Pending Action                                           0

Total Petitions for 2024                                             0

Total Membership                                                     149


Help for our Heros

Rainbow for Girls Aurora Assembly # 189 Rainbow for Girls, for more information contact tech08@socantel.net

Next Rainbow meeting will be  at the Waymart Lodge.

Waymart Rainbow assembly #189 meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Lodge Hall. All girls between the age of 11 and 21 are welcome to attend. Any Questions call Joe Johannes at 470-3103

Pledge Group ages 6 to 10 first Thursday of each month call 470-3103 for more information.